Friday, September 5, 2014

Top 5 Other Anime OP's

I like how Taiga can somehow look like a tsundere even when listening to music. 

OP-The opening song played at the beginning of an anime episode, which duration is usually 90 seconds.
Ed: Yeah same thing, only this song is played at the end of an episode and can be longer.
OST: The Original Soundtrack of an anime series.

Ok, I know what you're thinking, but no, I haven't already run out of ideas for anime countdowns already, this is just one that I needed to get done so I could sleep at night. I've already done my Top Ten Anime OP's list, but since then I've realized that there were a ton I had forgotten, and some that I've heard since that I really want to showcase. So, hell with it, I'm just going to countdown five more OP's that I like. And remember, these positions are arbitrary, so there's no worst-to-best here, it's just five OP's that are good, though yes, there are a couple here that I like better than others. I won't tell which ones, but you'll probably be able to tell from the descriptions anyway. Also, this list won't be broken up into two parts like the last one, because really, that was kind of pointless looking back on it.  So, here we go.

5# - "My Soul, Your Beats!" from Angel Beats!
Artist(s): Jun Maeda(vocals by Lia)

Yeah, I can't believe I forgot about this one in my original countdown either. Jun Maeda's music has always been fantastic, the entirety of Angel Beats' soundtrack can attest to that, but he really struck gold here with a fast paced yet calming song that really summed up the show it was attached to. A good thing too, since the OP quickly became the best part of Angel Beats later on in the show, when the narrative started getting a tad sidetracked. I still don't understand why Angel is playing the piano by the way. 

4# - "Uragiri No Yuuyake" from Durarara!

Well, look who it is again. Yes, it appears that both of Durarara's opening have found their way onto my lists; Durarara's second OP "Complication" being on the first part of my original list. And while I'm not too happy about that, I'll admit that both openings are fantastic, and deserve to be mentioned, if for different reasons. If "Complication" was sort of depressing song, this OP here seems to be more epitomizing the crazy and random fun that Durarara has to offer, and that is perfectly fine. As good as this OP is though, I will say I like "Complication" better, even though it was a slower song it always got me more excited for the show. Despite that, "Uragiri" sits at number 4. 

3# "Küsö Mesorogiwi" from Mirai Nikki
Artist: Yousei Teikoku

OK, yes Mirai Nikki is a bad anime. You don't have to tell me how bad it is, because I know it's really bad. My review on it was basically me saying  for a couple paragraphs why it was bad. It's bad, OK? Can we agree on that?  Good, because all I really want to talk about is this awesome opening. This opening is basically all I ever wanted Mirai Nikki to be after watching the first few episodes: dark, fast-paced, crazy insane awesome fun. The anime wasn't that, but at least for 90 seconds at the beginning of the episode you could pretend it was. Also that choir in the beginning of the song is amazing. Also again, I think the name of the song is in Hungarian. For some reason. Go figure.

2# - "daze" from Mekaku City Actors

Artist(s): Jin & GARNiDERiA

Again, I'm not here to comment on the quality of the show this OP belongs, because that doesn't really matter here, But I will take this opportunity to confess my sins and nonsensical love for Mekaku City Actors, flaws and all, and will defend that love to the bitter end in a future review. For now, let's talk about this awesome opening, which has a catchy song, sums up the show it belongs to perfectly, and has actually an insane amount of foreshadowing. I was kind of "meh" about it at first, but it grew quickly on me, and is now one of my favorites. The rest of the OST wasn't half bad either. 

1# - "Crowds" from Gatchaman Crowds

Time for another confession. Pretty much the only reason this list exists was to put this OP at the top(I don't care if the positions are meaningless). I know I mentioned this OP in my review, but I've grown to love it even more since then. Gatchaman Crowds and this OP have quickly become along with Mekaku City Actors my new favorite things. First of all, look at the animation; it's just fantastic, along with awesome visuals that encapsulate the feel of Gatchaman Crowds. The song is kind of strange, almost a country style, something that this anime is certainty not, but for some reason, it just works, and makes an opening that is distinctive to others. And if you have time, drop by this link to listen to the full version, which in my opinion, is even better. 

Goodbye for now guys.

Again, click here for the first part of my original list.

If you liked the list, click here for my Top Ten Studio Ghibli Films.

If you're up to a review, click here for my review on Fate/Zero, or here for my review on Angel Beats.

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