Friday, May 15, 2015

Top 5 Other Wishlist Anime

So, if you've been around the blog for a bit, you may remember my Top 5 Wishlist Anime countdown I did way back when, or in other words, in anticipation for all the great anime and sequels that had been announced at the time(and by the way, almost all of them turned out to be disappointments), I listed my top 5 anime that had not been announced to have a sequel that they all so desperately needed. So, never mind that all of those needed sequels still haven't been announced and bring me much pain and suffering, now that I've been around the medium a little more, it's time to list off five more anime that all must have a continuation or I just may need to quit watching anime and go watch... I don't know, Swedish soap operas or something.
     If you're wondering where Spice and Wolf III is(and trust me, so am I), or any other of your favorite anime that don't actually exist yet, I would encourage you to follow this link to the original list. As for the ground rules, well, I recognize I have a bad habit of switching up the rules for my countdowns seemingly every other list, so let's keep things simple shall we? Anime will be ranked in order of my blatant desire for a sequel, 5 being that I would only be mildly annoyed if a new season didn't ever happen, and 1 being that I'm personally ready to fly to Japan and interrogate the producers on what is taking them so long to make more, and whether this taser helps them think of a better answer. Also remember, this list only contains anime that I personally would like to see a continuation of; I realize there are many incomplete anime out there, but they may not make the list because I'm not really interested whether they get a second season or not, or because I was actually kind of happy with the way they ended and am actually content with the product.
     So with that, hello people of "The Wired", my name is Quan, I hope you've had a great day, and welcome to a new countdown. Let's being then.

5. No Game No Life Season 2

To be honest, if the day ever did come, and seeing the popularity of the anime it probably will, that Studio Madhouse announced a sequel to their immensely successful series: No Game No Life, I'm not sure if I would be quite jumping for joy. However, what I will admit to is that I do want more of this franchise, for the betterment of my taste, or the opposite. The first season of No Game No Life is somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine: it had very poor taste and was somewhat brain-dead while pretending to be otherwise, but on the other hand, it was funny and entertaining as hell; exactly the thing I wanted from the show.
     And besides, if they actually did decide to walk darker paths with the story as it went on, well, I think that would be actually kind of marvelous. Well, no matter what I want, I think we can guarantee a second season of No Game No Life anyway, I doubt Studio Madhouse would miss the cash in on its current popularity. Unlike the next one on this list.

4. Gosick RED

Unlike all of the the other anime on this list, Gosick is not very well considered by the community, and in fact, I agree with them. The 24 episode mystery/thriller by Studio Bones in 2011 has a couple of well thought out concepts and ideas, but for the most part, it falls short of being something I'd classify as "good" by a couple of huge issues. Like the characters of instance. Or the plot. Or the music. Or the....
     But the point is, ever since I've heard of this continuation to the Gosick light novels, I've wanted to see it brought it to animation form. From what I've read about the premise(which I won't include since it will spoil the ending to the first season), it seems to take the plot to a very interesting place that I want to see, and also it appears that the franchise has returned to its roots of Sherlock-Holmes' inspired "who-dunnits" mystery, without being sidetracked by the whole World War Plot-Thing bullshi*t that ruined much of the second half of the first season for me. It's a new start for the franchise, is what I'd say, and despite Gosick's low sales, I think it does deserve a second chance to impress. With the light-novel already fully complete and ready to go, all Studio Bones need to do is give the green-light and have a little faith. I hope they do.

3. Nanana's Buried Treasure 2

Look, I know a lot of people weren't all that found of Nanana's Buried Treasure, and you know, I completely understand. Trust me, the first two episodes weren't all that great, and even when the anime did reveal its true nature later on, I get that not all people would enjoy the show's goofy eccentricities, apparent emulation and fondness of old-time adventure games and stories(wacky traps and magical power-ups included), and the unique direction it takes with many parts of the plot and characters.
     But for me, Nanana's Buried Treasure was one of the biggest pleasant surprises of last year, and I was having the time of my life while watching it, making me love it unconditionally despite the flaws. One of those flaws being that the story is clearly unfinished, and that sort of pisses me off, seeing that this story actually has a lot of room for escalation and becoming something awesome by the end, and I really want to see it get there. So, with the light novels still going strong, I implore you A1 Pictures, make a season 2. Please. So I don't need to keep hating you for making

2. Hyouka: The Approximation of the Distance of Two 

To me personally, Hyouka remains one of the most unique school anime out there: being a romance but not really, a mystery show but not really, and a really typical slice-of-life... but at the same time not that at all. It was a very great experience for me, and people seem to cite it as the last Kyoto Animation work that was actually any good, and while I'm not sure about that(you know, I sort of liked Tamako Love Story), I can agree it's by far the best they've given us lately, though we'll see where Sound Euphonium goes as it finishes up its run of airing.
     From what I can tell, the sales weren't great for the first season, so that may be the biggest reason no season 2 is on the way, however, there are three reasons why I won't give up hope quite yet. Firstly, yes, Hyouka was generally well received by critics, and secondly, Kyoto Animation have seen to make a point of finishing up incomplete franchises, as both Kyoukai no Kanata and Tamako Market got follow-up films despite low sales. Lastly, for those of you who do not know, Hyouka was adapted from a novel, not a manga or a light novel, but an actual novel, with words and stuff, a series of five novels and counting to be exact, which the anime only manged to adapt the first four of, which means that there is one more novel to adapt for this franchise, which could possibly fit into a movie... just saying. Also, I may or may not just want a sequel so I can see my ship of Oreki and Chitanda finally spread its mast and sail. But that's another matter.

1. Nichijou 2

Oh, Kyoto Animation, why do you pain me so? Consistently, when Kyoto Animation make a sequel to any of their anime, it is always proven to be either just as good or better than the previous season, and if they were simply to make another exactly-the-same season of Nichijou; a 2011 anime by Kyoto Animation that ranks among the funniest anime of all time, well, I would be just fine with that.
     But I don't want more Nichijou simply because of the laughs. The series managed to be hilarious but also maintain emotional investment by developing its characters, which led to plenty of moments that were heart-felt, well-written, and even goddamn emotional at times. It was a series that while was light-hearted and never tried to be anything more than what it said on the cover, left no doubt in my mind by the end of the 26 episodes that if it actually wanted to be an amazingly told story, it could accomplish that. What I really want to see is where the story can go from here; if it follows or even expands on the manga, see what profound lessons about life the anime can say while filtering it through a screen of eccentricity, color and absurdity, and most of all, I want to see the conclusion to the main character's character arc, which no doubt was building to something really amazing. I also want just more Hakase. Is that wrong?
    However, our chances of getting a second season are pretty slim. Nichijou did horrible in terms of sales, at least by the standards of Kyoto Animation, and both the manga and anime are doing poorly respectively, most unfortunately.
     The most we can hope is that its critical support can help it limp through to a second season, where hopefully it will fair better this time around. I really hope we can get to see Yuuko, Nano, Mai and Mio again soon, and trust me, if no second season happens, I am more than willing to re-watch the entire thing and tell as many people as possible of its awesomeness. Maybe one day.

Goodbye for now guys.

For another countdown, click here for my Top Five Anime Average Joe's. 

Or for an anime review, click here for a review of Sword Art Online. 

Or if you desire, drop by this link for a First Impression of Tamako Market and One Week Friends.

What am I watching this Spring 2015 season? Click here

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